ingau's blog

the why behind bookmarksheet

i recently published bookmarksheet, a tool for adding your favorite web content to google sheet in a single click. why build it when there is a plethora of bookmarking apps out there?

honestly, i wanted to build something to overcome my builder’s block. i wanted to prove my ability to create something independently. i just wanted to build, and build i did. surprisingly, i find myself using it regularly.

when i come across something interesting while browsing the web that i want to save for later, i want to easily do it in the simplest manner. bookmarksheet is perfect for that.

it saves your bookmarks in the familiar google sheet and doesn’t need you to learn a new interface or sign up for yet another service.

you know that your bookmarks are stored in your sheet even if the bookmarksheet stops service after a while, which is not the case for most apps which stores the bookmarks in their databases. bookmarksheet is reliable and secure.

it is easy for me to access and manage my bookmarks and web highlights from anywhere.

i think of it as my digital attic, where anything of interest can be stored without second-guessing its bookmark worthiness.

you can try it out from here
